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This hotel has neither roof nor walls

The Null Stern Hotel is situated at 1.970 meters high in the Swiss Alps, specifically at the east of the country, in the Safien valley. Its particularity is not only that this special hotel consists of only one room, which is ten minutes away from the bathroom, it’s specially because this hotel has to roof or walls at all. So by day you can enjoy the magnific views of the mountains, and at night you can watch the star filled sky.

The only room of the hotel has the necessary furniture for the client to rest comfortably. The room consists of a bed with a headboard, two nightstands with their night lights, a couple of stools, all of this on a conventional floor. The aim of all of this, according to its promoters, is to put the guest in the experience, focusing on what’s intangible and and minimizing the rest.

That’s why the hotel also counts on a stewardship service led by a uniformed waiter who brings you to bed a typical national breakfast, which consists of a sandwich, a coffee and the dinner. The food is prepared in the cabin where the waiter lives and where the bathroom is also located.

The weather conditions of the area force the hotel to only be open from spring to autumn, and also its creators warn that the bookings can be cancelled in case of bad weather. The price per night is 250 Swiss-francs, which in euros are 228. There’s already a waiting list for 2017.

Source: Traveller

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