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Bilbao will be this year’s location for the Routes Europe connectivity forum in 2018

Routes Europe will reunite airlines, airports and tourism authorities to plan new routes and make the already existing ones stronger. Approximately, 1.200 developing in routes professionals of 114 airlines, 270 airports and 36 tourism authorities will attend this event.

This forum is held in a new location every year to highlight the different markets in the aircraft industry. This year’s chosen destination will be Bilbao.

The celebration in Bizkaia of this event will make “a big difference” to the aerial connectivity of Euskadi”, according to the Basque Consultant of Tourism, Commerce and Consumption, Alfredo Retortillo. The purpose of this event is also to show to everyone who manages the aerial activity the potential of the Euskadi airports and their strategic situation in the south-west of Europe.

I think this is a great opportunity for the Basque Country to expand their airports, ports and logistic platforms in terms of competitiveness. Also, it will give the zone the chance to improve their tourist rates. They can make the most of this event to highlight the qualities of their cities to promote them and “give them a push” to get the attention of thousands of tourists around the world so that they get a glimpse of their culture, vision and modernity.

This year’s forum is being held in Belfast this week.


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